In the Japanese language, Rei means Universal Energy. Everything on earth and beyond vibrates with universal energy. It flows through all things whether alive or inanimate. Ki describes our vital energy or life force. In India they call this Prana, in Thailand they call it Lom Pran, in China they call it Qi or Chi, and the Mayans call it Chu'lel. It is this energy that fuels your physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is this life force that is behind all that we are.
There are moments in life we feel depleted, like when we are over stressed or in pain of some sort. When we are healthy, we tend to feel vibrant and ready to face the day. This is our life force energy at work. It ebbs and flows. It may be strong at times and weak in others. Balance and imbalance of our subtle energies may be influenced by our lifestyles and habits, or by life circumstances or injuries, and that affects our overall outlook and how we may feel day to day. Reiki helps bring balance to these energies when we get out of whack, so to speak.
During a reiki session, you remain fully clothed. Your therapist works in a meditative state, using hand holds either gently placed on your body, or hovering just above your body. Your intention for the session combined with intuitive sensing by your therapist help to clear and open energetic pathways that may be congested or blocked. As the deep calm and relaxation wash over you, your mind and body allow you to reach a state where innate healing may occur. While in this state, you may feel physical sensations in your body, you may experience vivid visualizations, certain emotions, thoughts, or insights may arise, or you may feel nothing but relaxation. Each session is unique.
Reiki is a compassionate, nurturing, safe, and gentle complimentary therapy. It may work well for those looking for non-invasive alternatives to massage and bodywork.
Here are some benefits you may enjoy from a Reiki session:
Improved sleep.
Calmed the nervous system.
Awakened natural healing processes in the body.
Developed sense of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Reduced overall stress and tension.
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